A message has gone out to Scout Leaders regarding details of the West Sussex International Jamboree to be held in August 2022.
Mid Sussex has registered to attend WSIJ as a District as we did in 2017.
The camp will be led by Keith Waller, Brian Spencer, Clair Stone, Jo Bevan and Miranda Pocock.
The cost per Scout with be £280, which will cover everything including a hoodie, all they will need is their personal spending money.
We will be looking for a list of YPs from each Group by the end of September with a deposit of £100 per YP paid by the 1st October 2021, a 2nd payment of £130 on the 1st February 2022 and a final payment of £50 on the 1st May 2022.
We will expect groups to collect these monies themselves and then pay monies directly into our WS2017 bank account, we will not want payments from individual parents, these dates still give us a little flexibility on when we have to pay monies to WSIJ2022.
Subject to availability Keith and Brian will be available to do presentations direct to your Scouts/Leaders during September.
We will also be looking for leaders to join us on the camp, the cost for leaders is £60 divided into 3 £20 payments, there is a limit on leaders due to a ratio laid down by the organisers.
For further information contact Keith on adcscouts@midsussexdistrictscouts.com
Further details about WSIJ2022 can be found at www.wsij.org.uk